Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 07' !

A wish to all my friends and families, may we all have an even better year in 2007! 2006, it did went past fast..Maybe it's because we have been fooling around all year long...lolz ^^...I just came back last night, did managed to pass by Autocity , but the crowd is so immense that the cars practically cant move at all, so we cancelled plans to go there, instead we get to watch fireworks around my housing area, not that bad too @_@...

Friday, December 29, 2006


I‘m going on a trip starting tomorrow...This time it's with my family...We're going to a resort for a few days...just two days, i think .....Then we'll be back in Prai for New Year's Eve countdown...So , i'll be away from my pc for a few days...呵呵,有个朋友跟我说,旅行者又要去旅行咯~^^
See ya , guys! I wont be here for the countdown with u guys, so enjoy the few last times of 2006! It's been a very adventurous , frustrating, heart-warming, remembering year,wish it would stay that way, let the passion live on~and all would be better in 2007~ Miss ya guys~

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


昨天和一大班朋友去看了<<满城尽带黄金甲>>(Curse of the golden flower), 说真的。。故事剧情是没什么啦。。就是关于王室家族的明争暗斗。。背叛、奸诈、乱伦,等等。。。电影有些过份的血腥。。哎。。有是一部大制做、大演员、大花费、商业话的电影。。I was expecting more from the director than this...可能。。太过于着重在大牌演员身上了吧?有些部份。。感觉上是没必要。。。但却把人性的丑恶、暗斗描写得很好。。周润发和巩丽,没话说。。演技当然没的说。。周董。。还不错啦。。但其实戏分很奇怪。。在戏的尾端才有深刻的演出。。但有进步啦~


Just read an article on Paul Tan's blog..( (by the way, that blog is da number 1 blog in Malaysia, if i recall correctly)..It about the introduction of Mitsubishi's famous Lancer Evo sports sedan, yeah...finally another prototype of the new generation coming out...Had been kinda an Evo fans for years already, was always amazed by each generation's design and performance.. Visiting his blog has been a rather regular routine, it is always amazing how he can be so updated with news on the automotive industry...His blog is simple...Yet so interesting...One of the not so many group of the blogging community that emphasize on content rather than ads and publicity...sure it has plenty of popularity, but that is just what he accumulated over these years...No offense to the others...but i just think that no matter how frequent a blog is visited and how many traffic it pulls everyday...there's still one thing, "Content is King", if u don't have what readers have, u don't deserve to get their support...Paul Tan's blog has been around quite some time already...And his blog bolster some semi-pro , amateur and even some pro-dudes in the business , all contributing their thoughts , comment and advice on his blog...Even Paul himself is quite a auto-dude, to my understanding..That's what i call updated, fast, reliable source of info ^_^...Oh well, maybe i do get some thoughts and inspirations from his blog...Will work hard on this ...starting from zero~ =_=

Monday, December 25, 2006

Train of Life人生的火车

如果要以月台形容人生,那感情就是一辆又一辆的火车。。在同一个月台上,无数的火车每天来来回回。。有些火车,上了就走。。走的快,路途也不远。。有些,速度慢。。却可以走很远。。那么多人,那么多火车,总会有人踏错班车。。走了一段距离,离开了上一站火车,才发觉原来人不对车。也有人乱了时间。。错过了班火车。。变成一种遗憾。。有些火车,行走的轨道不长,也许只是两个火车站之间的距离,但一路上的风景却很吸引人,只可惜。。在不同的火车站,人们所要踏的火车也不一样。。人们总是贪的。。我也不例外。。每个人都希望。。付出同样的车票价。。可以走的很远。。但不是的。。要走多远。。就要付出相等的车票价。。当我们到了该下的车站。。总是舍不得下车。。都希望可以再继续走下去。。也许是走完整个铁路。。有些火车。。可能只是我们人生中的一站而已。。但它一路的风景。。却叫人难以忘掉。。 有些火车。。并不是我们所要搭的。。只是基于一些因素。。就搭上了。。有些火车的票价很贵,人们望望不能搭久。。很快就下车。。
p/s 无论你是一站的火车还是可以走很远的。。我都会珍惜。。能走多远不重要。。最重要是我曾很欣赏这一路上的风景。。也是一路上难忘的~ 难忘的一站!^_^
Testriffic IQ test

Taken from Simple Life of YP
Hehe, didnt actually answered it with attention, so i think maybe this result is not that accurate for me...

Missing Pupet失踪的娃娃

娃娃失踪了。。好几天咯。。应该没那么快再见到吧?。。好想念她噢。。少了她,每天的生活就感觉不对。。似乎少了一块。。 希望你一切都还好。。开开心心的。。我就放心了。。永远别让你脸上的笑容消失~

Sunday, December 24, 2006


今天有个家人起了争执。。习惯了吧?。。父亲对自己一向来都有成见。。 而我也不以为意了吧?也因为家里这样的情况。。我早已变得不再过于依赖家人。。甚至,我更相信朋友。。家里的情况 。。我也不是不曾努力去补救过。。只是一次又一次的让我失望。。至少对着朋友。。我没有什么压力,我也不必去看他们的脸色。。我的付出,有人看得见,也有人珍惜。。至少。。家,不再是我心灵的寄托了。。我不是身在福中不知福。。而是如果家人的幸福是要照着他们的方式生活。。我宁愿不要这幸福。。我也不是不孝。。对于家里。。身为孩子,身为弟弟,身为孙儿。。我该尽的责任。。我不曾逃避。。也许我能做的。。就只有这样吧。。对于父母。。我再也不恨了。。也不怨了。。成为他们的孩子,不是我选的。。我对他们。。只有失望两个字了。。看朋友曾写。。“这是我最后一次为他们流泪了。。”。。呵呵。。我的则应是。。“我早已不再为他们多流一滴泪,一份感触。。。”。。

Saturday, December 23, 2006


今天。。去逛了Megamall。。一月要开工了。。妈说要我少了些衣。。去到Hypermart。。竟然还有guard在阻路。。说只有持有membership card和credit card的人才能进。。进了里面。。人超多的。。逛了几小时。。买了蛮多的。。总结是接进三个百咯。。刷卡都刷个过瘾。。看到蛮多朋友。。已经开始大工了。。不久。。我也一样了吧?今天已是圣诞前夕了。。不知大家有什么记划呢?我们几个球友已约好去吃火锅咯。。很期待。。今年的圣诞。。和以往不一样。。终于不必在高颂akon的<>咯~

Friday, December 22, 2006


嗯。。昨天才拿到我的matriculation的回复卡。。。终于可以松一口气了。。本来想。。连回复都没有。。肯定没望啦。。现在总算找回一点希望啦。。其实我没有像其他朋友这样。。都记划好了。。想一想。。家里的情况。。自己的成绩又很难得奖学金。。所以总结下来。。看来我只剩form 6和matriculation罢了。。看来认命咯。。matriculation。。。机会应该不大吧?看来我就只能继续待在日新咯。。朋友们。。加油啦。。以后大家都很少见面了。。分开后。。要拼咯。。。

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Missing You想念



Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Traveler & Pupet 旅行者与晴天娃娃

有一天。。旅行者依然还在流浪。。他遇到了一个晴天娃娃。。娃娃好奇的问了旅行者,一个很多人都问过的问题。。“你,为何会流浪?”。。“因为我是旅行者。。我不是别人眼中的什么。。我什么都不是。。所以我没有什么流恋。。想鸟儿般自由。。”。。“难道你不曾想过要安定下来。。待在一人的身边?”。。”。。。。。“。。旅行者没回答什么。。。之后又继续流浪了。。但他总会不是回来找娃娃。。陪她谈心。。听歌。。看戏。。然后又离去了。。有一次。。当旅行者又要去流浪时。。心里有了一种感觉。。他多年不曾有的那种感觉。。想不到。。他竟会舍不得这地方。。就像是家一样。。家,旅行者想了一下。。我其实也有家。。只是家不像家。。所以我才会流浪。 。。选择了认识朋友。。旅行者还是走了。。。。
这一走。。看着他的背影。。娃娃竟也叹了一口气。。。”为何我就是留不住他?。。。。。“ 又过了一段时间。。旅行者又回到了这地方。。娃娃似乎已不在对他的到访有所高兴。。看在他眼了。。旅行者虽然感觉很开心回到这里。。但看到娃娃的神情。。也现不出开心的样子。。这一趟回来。。旅行者住了很久。。也没有要走的心。。本来失了望的娃娃。。在有旅行者的陪伴下 。。开始开朗起来了。。娃娃三番四次问旅行者几时要走。。出奇的。。旅行者也答不出了。。而他们又这样一直呆着。。直到有一天。。娃娃忍不住了。。她知道旅行者迟早要走 的。。”你走吧。。我不想你待在这里,又不知道你几时会走。。我。。。我。。讨厌这种不确定的感觉。。旅行者荒了。。一时之间。。他已没想过还有什么地方可以去了。。也不想离开。。矛盾了一阵子。。旅行者把娃娃抱在怀里。。“我再也不走了,我想。。我找到安定的地方和人了”。 。两人都哭了。。原来彼此都感觉对了。。只是说不出来。。

Monday, December 18, 2006


^_^ Interview过了!我一月开工咯。。。虽然会很累,但的确很期待。。。为我的未来铺路咯。。。


Wish me luck,guys!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Clashes of Time时空交错

If i remember right, there was once a theory on the way time works in the galaxy.Ordinary people(ie: people w/e astrophysics knowledge like me) all agree on common sense that time is parallel, meaning wherever we are in the galaxy, time is always the same.But, that particular theory, i think which is published by Einstein or some modern day world-renounced-astrophysicist ,(my apology for not being able to recall his name, no offend, i respect that dude the physicist he is).The theory says that time, is like water flowing in a river, where the river is represented by the galaxy.Says that time flows ,mixes,tumbles in the river of galaxy, meaning that time is not the same ,at least in theory,across the galaxy...And since the river flow mixes, eventually the old and the new will meet...and that's where clashes of time happens...



For some reason, my old blog on Blogger didn't seemed to work after merging with my Gmail and switching to my new beta-blogger.So, i think i'll have to leave behind my old blog( kinda strange, it's like leaving part of me behind...i guess that whole things WAS a part of my past...But nevermind, i think it's already time to move on now, I'm glad i did too ^^ I'll TRY to TRY harder in this blog, fellow peepz, maybe i will be a productive writer, maybe i'll be lazy, no one knows for sure...But nevertheless, this'll be my new home....Wish me luck on this blog :P