Monday, December 25, 2006

Train of Life人生的火车

如果要以月台形容人生,那感情就是一辆又一辆的火车。。在同一个月台上,无数的火车每天来来回回。。有些火车,上了就走。。走的快,路途也不远。。有些,速度慢。。却可以走很远。。那么多人,那么多火车,总会有人踏错班车。。走了一段距离,离开了上一站火车,才发觉原来人不对车。也有人乱了时间。。错过了班火车。。变成一种遗憾。。有些火车,行走的轨道不长,也许只是两个火车站之间的距离,但一路上的风景却很吸引人,只可惜。。在不同的火车站,人们所要踏的火车也不一样。。人们总是贪的。。我也不例外。。每个人都希望。。付出同样的车票价。。可以走的很远。。但不是的。。要走多远。。就要付出相等的车票价。。当我们到了该下的车站。。总是舍不得下车。。都希望可以再继续走下去。。也许是走完整个铁路。。有些火车。。可能只是我们人生中的一站而已。。但它一路的风景。。却叫人难以忘掉。。 有些火车。。并不是我们所要搭的。。只是基于一些因素。。就搭上了。。有些火车的票价很贵,人们望望不能搭久。。很快就下车。。
p/s 无论你是一站的火车还是可以走很远的。。我都会珍惜。。能走多远不重要。。最重要是我曾很欣赏这一路上的风景。。也是一路上难忘的~ 难忘的一站!^_^


Anonymous said...

Mate, if you're talking bout women,let me tell u,women is useless,of course i dun mean ur granny/sister/mama la,but dun believe them when they say "I found my true love",cos they are fucking themselves only.

The real people you're gonna have to appreciate is your friends around you.They wont leave you if they find another girlfriend :)
I'm talking about hands on experience!!I shitted on myself too,but that aint goin to happen again.


0x1 said...

i know...i understand how u feel, dude...but dont be like this, it isnt that one fail relationship and u are destined to fail for life...dont change from the person u's ok to be dumped..but it's not ok to be not able to stand up, that's shit...and no swearing around my blog, please...try to control ur temper even if u are still emotional, tq

Anonymous said...

In love relationship surely there is ups and downs. One time failure doesn't mean failure in every try...

Maybe I haven't been through breakups yet so I don't know how the feeling was. Maybe one day...

P/S: Oxi, looks like your blog is worth something now. Keep it up!

0x1 said...

erm...i think i'm having problems already...i need more publicity and recognition...erm...can u recommend? any ideas how to increase traffic?

Anonymous said...

din know that you were attached when i wrote that, but the good thin is,you both arent sayin "i love you" so much.

God bless you two,Mokhtar Dahari bless us all..

0x1 said...

erm...i think it's just different method of communicating?whatever...thx for ur blessing, leeds ^^

Anonymous said...

A tip for you. Looks like you are making progress in the Blogger Forum.

Try to google blogs that suit your taste and ask for a link exchange. If they say you're a spammer, just ignore and get over it.

Anyway, good contents will bring in visitors to link with you lo.